A tisket a tasket|Ain't gonna rain|Baby bunting|Bingo|Cradle song|Ding dong bell|Eensy weensy
spider|Fiddle de dee|Frere Jacques|Georgie porgie|Go in and out the window|Golden slumbers
Beatles|Good night ladies|Goosey goosey gander|Happy birthday to you|Here we go looby loo|Hey
diddle diddle|Hickory dickory dock|Hot cross buns|Humpty dumpty|Hush little baby|I love little
Pussy|I'm a little cookie|It's raining it's pouring|Jack and Jill|Jig along home|Jingle
bells|Lazy Mary will you get up|Little bo peep|Little boy blue|Little Jack Horner|Little Miss
Muffet|Little Tommy Tucker|London bridge|Lucy Locket|Mail myself to you|Mary had a little
lamb|Mary wore her red dress|Mistress Mary quite contrary|My darling Clementine|Now I lay me
down to sleep|Oh Susanna|Oh pretty Polly|Old king Cole|Old MacDonald|On top of old smokey|Pat a
cake pa a cake baker's man|Pease porridge hot|Pick a bale|Polly wolly doodle|Polly put the
kettle on|Pop goes the weasel|Pussy cat pussy cat|Ride a cock horse|Ring around a Rosy|Rockabye
baby|Row row row your boat|See saw Margery Daw|She'll be coming round the mountain|Shortnin'
bread|Sing a song of sixpence|Skip to my lou|The alphabet song|The farmer in the dell|The
monkey's wedding|The more we get together|The mulberry bush|There was an old woman who lived in
a shoe|This old man|Three blind mice|Three little kittens|To market to market|Tom Tom the
piper's son|Twinkle twinkle little star|Where has my little dog gone|Where is thumbkin|Yankee