Amazing grace|At calvary|At the cross|Battle hymn of the republic|Blessed be the name|Brighten
the corner where you are|Church in the wildwood|Count your blessings instead of sheep|Do
Lord|Does Jesus care|Down at the cross|Dwelling in Beulah Land|Footsteps of Jesus|Give me that
old time religion|God is so good|God leads us along|God will take care of you|Hallelujah we
shall rise|The haven of rest|Heavenly sunlight|He's got the whole world in his hands|Higher
ground|Highway to heaven|His eye is on the sparrow|How beautiful heaven must be|I am thine o
Lord|I have decided to follow Jesus|I must tell Jesus|I will sing of my redeemer|I'm so glad
Jesus lifted me|In the garden|Jesus is the sweetes name I know|Jesus loves me|Jesus loves the
little children|Jesus saves|Joshua fit the battle of Jericho|Just a closer walk with thee|Kum
ba yah|Let us break bread together|The Lily of the valley|Lord I'm coming home|The love of
god|No not one|O how I love Jesus|The old rugged cross|Precious memories|Rock of ages|Send the
light|Shall we gather at the river|Since Jesus came into my heart|Sweet by and by|Swing down
chariot|Swing low sweet chariot|There is power in the blood|There shall be showers of
blessing|This little light of mine|This world is not my home|To god be the glory|Turn your eyes
upon Jesus|Unclouded day|We'll understand it better by and by|When the roll is called up
yonder|When the saints go marching in|When we all get to heaven|Whispering hope|Will the circle
be unbroken|Wonderful grace of Jesus