Ode to joy (Ode an die Freude) Beethoven Ludwig van|Beautiful dreamer|Cockles and
mussels|Soldatenchor (aus Faust) Gounod Charles|Air|Dance of the sugar plum fairy (aus
Nussknacker) Tschaikowsky Pjotr Iljitsch|The minstrel boy|Schwanensee Tschaikowsky Pjotr
Iljitsch|America the beautiful|Jazzy strings|Tarantella|Streets of Laredo|Annie Laurie|O little
town of Bethlehem|Eine kleine Nachtmusik KV 525 Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus|I'm a yankee doodle
dandy|Angels we have heard on high|Havah Nagila|March militaire|Largo|Long long ago|Amazing