All of you|Am I blue|Anything goes|As time goes by|At last|Begin the beguine|The best things in
life are free|Bewitched|Blue moon|But not for me|Come fly with me|Do nothin' till you hear from
me|Don't get around much anymore|Embraceable you|A foggy day|I can't get started|I could write
a book|I get a kick out of you|I got rhythm|I only have eyes for you|I wanna be around|I'll be
seeing you|I'll see you in my dreams|I'm in the mood for love|It had to be you|I've got a crush
on you|I've got you under my skin|I've grown accustomed to her face|The lady is a
tramp|Laura|Let's do it|Love for sale|Love is here to stay|Moonglow|More than you know|My funny
Valentine|Nevertheless (I'm in love with you)|Night and day|Over the rainbow|Pennies from
heaven|S' wonderful|Satin doll|Skylark|Someone to watch over me|Stardust|Stormy weather|Summer
wind|Summertime|They can't take that away from me|What a wonderful world|What's new|When I fall
in love|Where or when|You go to my head