Belle of the ball|Blue tango|Forgotten dreams|Serenata|Sleigh ride|The syncopated clock
Anderson Leroy|The waltzing cat|Bad companions|The beast in you|(Give the little lady) a great
big hand|Heart of stone (pyramid dance)|I can't be in love|I never know when (to say when)|Lady
in waiting|Lazy moon|No one will ever love you|The pussy foot|Save a kiss|Shall I take my heart
and go|There never was a woman|Two years in the making|Who's been sitting in my chair|Come to
me (go and catch a falling star)|Guess who|He'll never stray|Hello|If I can't take it with
me|Little girls should be seen|My last spring|Tagalong kid|The music in my heart|What's the use
of love|This lovely world