Bingo|Brother John|Lazy Mary|London bridge|The mulberry bush|Pop goes the weasel|She'll be
coming round the mountain|Song of the Volga boatmen (Lied der Wolgaschiffer)|Twinkle twinkle
little star|Brautchor (aus Lohengrin) Wagner|Can can Offenbach|Wiegenlied
Brahms|Slawischer Marsch op 31 Tschaikowsky|Ode an die Freude (aus Sinfonie 9)
Beethoven|Sinfonie mit dem Paukenschlag - Thema Haydn|Türkischer Marsch Beethoven|Wilhelm
Tell - Ouvertüre Rossini|Abide with me|Amazing grace|The bible|Fairest lord Jesus|Faith of
our fathers|Jesus loves me|Jesus loves the little children|Praise god from whom all blessings
flow|Praise him all ye little children|Away in a manger|Good king Wenceslas|Jingle bells|Jolly
old Saint Nicholas|Silent night|Up on the housetop|We three kings of Orient are|We wish you a
merry christmas|America|America the beautiful|Battle hymn of the republic|The caisson
song|Yankee doodle|Yankee doodle boy