'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus|Abide with me|All creatures of our god and king|All glory laud
and honor|All hail the power of Jesus' name|All the way my savior leads me|All things bright
and beautiful|Am I a soldier of the cross|Amazing grace|Ask ye what great thing I know|Battle
hymn of the republic|Be thou my vision|Beautiful isle of somewhere|Beneatz the cross of
Jesus|Blessed assurance|Blest be the tie that binds|Break thou the bread of life|Breathe on me
breath of god|Bringing in the sheaves|Christ the lord is risen today|Close to thee|Come thou
almighty king|Come thou fount of every blessing|Crown him with many crowns|Eternal father
strong to save|Fairest lord Jesus|Faith of our fathers|For all the blessings of the year|For
the beauty of the earth|God of our fathers|God will take care of you|Guide me o thou great
Jehovah|Have thine own way lord|He hideth my soul|He leadeth me|His eye is on the sparrow|Holy
holy holy|How firm a foundation|How sweet the name of Jesus sounds|I am thine o Lord|I have
decided to follow Jesus|I love thy kingdom lord|I love to tell the story|I must tell Jesus|I
need thee every hour|I surrender all|I will sing the wondrous story|I would be true|Immortal
invisible|In the cross of christ I glory|In the garden|It is well with my soul|Jesus is all the
world to me|Jesus is tenderly calling|Jesus keep me near the cross|Jesus lover of my soul|Jesus
saves|Jesus the very thought of thee|Jesus savior pilot me|Jesus thou joy of loving
hearts|Joyful joyful we adore the (Freude schöner Götterfunken)|Just as I am|Lean on o king
eternal|Leaning on the everlasting arms|Let us break bread together|The Lily of the valley|Lord
I want to be a Christian|The lord's my shepherd I'll not want|Love divine all loves
excelling|Love lifted me|A mighty fortress is our god|My faith has found a resting place|My
faith looks up to thee|My hope is built on nothing les|Nearer my god to thee|Now thank we all
our god|Now the day is over|O for a thousand tongues to sing|O God our help in ages past|O
Jesus I have promised|O master let me walk with thee|O perfect love|O sacred head now wounded|O
worship the king|O how I love Jesus|On Jordan's stormy banks|Once to every man and nation|Only
trust him|Onward Christian soldiers|Open my eyes that I may see|Pass me not o gentle
savior|Praise god from whom all blessings flow|Praise to the lord the almighty|Redeemed|Rock of
ages|Savior like a shepherd lead us|Shall we gather at the river|Since Jesus came into my
heart|Softly and tenderly|Somebody's knockin' at your door|Spirit of god descend upon my
heart|Stand up stand up for Jesus|Standing on the promises|Sweet by and by|Sweet hour of
prayer|Take my life and let it be consecrated|Take the name of Jesus with you|Take time to be
holy|The church's one foundation|The old rugged cross|There is a balm in gilead|There is a
fountain|There is power in the blood|This is my father's world|To god be the glory|Trust and
obey|We gather together|We're marching to Zion|Were you there|What a friend we have in
Jesus|When I survey the wondrous cross|When the roll is called up yonder|Whiter than
snow|Wonderful words of life|Wondrous love