All right now Free|Aqualung Jethro Tull|Babe I'm gonna leave you Led Zeppelin|Back in the
USSR Beatles|Bad case of loving you|Beast of burden Rolling Stones|Born to be wild
Steppenwolf|The boys are back in town Thin Lizzy|Brain damage Pink Floyd|Breakdown|Brown
eyed girl Morrison Van|Call me|Can't get enough|Carry on|Centerfold|Cold as ice|Cold shot
Vaughan Stevie Ray|Crazy on you Heart|Crocodile rock John Elton|Cuts like a knife Adams
Bryan|Do you feel like we do|Dust in the wind Kansas|Everybody plays the fool sometime|Evil
woman|Feelin' alright|Fire and ice|Fly like an eagle|Free bird Lynyrd Skynyrd|Gimme some
lovin'|Higher love Winwood Steve|Hold on loosely|Hush|I don't want to know|I love rock n
roll|I wanna go back|I'd love to change the world|I'm just a singer (in a Rock and Roll band)
Moody Blues|In the air tonight Collins Phil|Jump Van Halen|La grange ZZ Top|Lady Madonna
Beatles|Lay down Sally Clapton Eric|Lights|Livin' on a prayer Bon Jovi|The logical song
Supertramp|Lonely ol' night Mellencamp John|Low rider|Maggie May Stewart Rod|Midnight
rider|Monday monday|My sweet Lord|Nothing's gonna stop us now Starship|Once bitte twice shy
Great White|Owner of a lonely heart Yes|Pinball wizard Who|Reeling in the years Steely
Dan|Renegade|Rock and roll hoochie koo|Rock the casbah Clash|Rocky Mountain way Walsh
Joe|She's some kind of wonderful|Spinning wheel|Stayin' alive Bee Gees|Steppin' out|The
stroke|Tempted Squeeze|Turn the page|Walk this way|Walking in Memphis Cohn Marc|We didn't
start the fire Joel Billy|Werewolves of London Zevon Warren|What's love got to do with it
Turner Tina|White wedding|A whiter shade of pale Procol Harum|Working for the weekend|Wrapped
around your finger|You really got me|Young Americans