Amazing grace|Because he lives|The blood will never lose it's power|Brighten the corner where
you are|Calvary covers it all|Climb ev'ry mountain|Come morning|Daddy sang bass|Day by day|El
shaddai|Everything is beautiful|The family of God|Fill my cup Lord|Finally|For loving me|For
the love of it|He|He grew the tree|He lives|He looked beyond my fault|He touched me|He's
alive|He's everything to me|He's got the whole world in his hands|He's still workin' on me|Hey
Jesus you're my best friend|His eye is on the sparrow|His name is wonderful|Holy spirit thou
art welcome|Home where I belong|How great thou art|I believe|I believe in you|I bowed on my
knees (and cried holy)|I find no fault in him|I never shall forget the day|I saw the light|I
wanna be ready|I would crawl all the way (to the river)|I'll fly away|I'm standing on the solid
rock|I've been to Calvary|I've got confidence|In the garden|In the sweet bye and bye|It took a
miracle|Jesus knows all about it|Just a closer walk with thee|Just any day now|Just as I am|The
king is coming|Kum ba yah|Lead me guide me|The lighthouse|Lord I hope this day is good|Love
will roll the clouds away|Mansion over the hilltop|Me and Jesus|My god is real|My tribute|The
night before easter|Now that I've found your love|The old rugged cross|Over the next hill we'll
be home|The owner of the store|(There'll be) Peace in the valley|The Pilgrim|Precious Lord take
my hand|Precious memories|Put your hand in the hand|Rise again|Rock of ages|Room at the cross
for you|Satan you're a liar|Say I do|Since Jesus came into my heart|Sincerely yours|Sing your
praise to the lord|Special delivery|The sun's coming up|Sweet sweet spirit|There's something
about that name|Through it all|Turn turn turn (to everything there is a season)|Turn your radio
on|Victory in Jesus|Wayfaring stranger|We shall behold him|What a beautiful day|What a day that
will be|When the roll is called up yonder|Whispering hope|Who am I|Why me|Will the circle be
unbroken|Wings of a dove|Without him|You bring out the love in me|You make it rain for me|You
needed me