Ac cent tchu ate the positive|Ain't it de truth|Any place I hang my hat is home|As long as I
live|Between the devil and the deep blue sea|Blues in the night|Buds won't bud|Cocoanut
sweet|Come rain or come shine|Ding dong the witch is dead|Dissertation on the state of
bliss|Don't like goodbyes|Down with love|The eagle and me|Evelina|Fancy meeting you here|For
every man there's a woman|Fun to be fooled|Get happy|God's country|Goose will never pe
peacock|Happiness is a thing called Joe|Happy as the day is long|Happy with the Blues|Hit the
road to dreamland|Hooray for love|House of flowers|I gotta right to sing the blues|I had a love
once|I had myself a true love|I never has seen snow|I wonder what became of me|I've got the
world on a string|If I only had a brain|Ill wind (you're blowin' me no good)|In the shade of
the new apple tree|It was written in the stars|It's only a paper moon|Last night when we were
young|Let's fall in love|Let's take a walk around the block|Let's take long way home|Life's
full of consequence|Like a straw in the wind|Little drops of rain|Lullaby|The man that got
away|Moanin' in the mornin'|Money cat|The morning after|My shining hour|One for my baby (and
one more for the road)|Out of this world|Over the rainbow|Paris is a lonely town|Promise me not
to love me|Push the button|Right as rain|Satan's li'l lamb|The silent spring|A sleepin' bee|So
long big time|Stormy weather (Keeps rainin' all the time)|That old black magic|That's a kind of
freedom|There's sweet wind blowin'|This time the dream's on me|Today I love ev'rybody|The wail
of the reefer man|What's good about goodbye|When the sun comes out|When the wind blows|Who will
it be when the time comes|With the sun warm upon me|Woman's prerogative|You're the cure for
what ails me