Ask me now|Ba lue bolivar ba lues are (Bolivar Blues)|Bemsha Swing|Blue hawk|Blue Monk|Blue
sphere|Blues five spot|Boo Boo's Birthday|Brake's sake|Bright Mississippi|Brilliant corners|Bye
ya|Children's song|Coming on the Hudson|Crepuscule with Nellie|Criss
cross|Epistrophy|Eronel|Evidence|52nd street theme|Four in one|Friday the
13th|Functional|Gallop's Gallop|Green chimneys|Hackensack Monk Thelonious|Hornin' in|Humph|I
mean you|In walked bud|Introspection|Jackie Ing|Let's call this|Let's cool one|Light
blue|Little rootie tootie Monk Thelonious|Locomotive|A merrier christmas|Misterioso|Monk's
dream|Monk's mood|Monk's point|North of the sunset|Nutty|Off minor|Oska T|Pannonica|Played
twice|Raise four|Reflections|Rhythm a ning|'Round midnight|Ruby my dear|San Francisco
holiday|Shuffle boil|Sixteen|Skippy|Something in blue|Straight no chaser|Stuffy
turkey|Teo|Thelonious|Think of one|Trinkle tinkle|Two timer|Ugly beauty|We see|Well you needn't
(it's over now)|Who knows|Work