After you've gone|Ain't misbehavin'|All or nothing at all|Autumn leaves|Basin street
Blues|Bewitched|Bluesette|Can't help falling in love Presley Elvis|Cherokee|Come rain or come
shine|Cry me a river|Dinah|Do nothin' till you hear from me|Don't get around much anymore|East
of the sun (and west of the moon)|Easy street|Everything happens to me|Flamingo|Fly me to the
moon|A foggy day|God bless the child|Gone with the wind|Have you met Miss Jones|Hello
Dolly|Here's that rainy day|How high the moon|I could write a book|I didn't know what time it
was|I left my heart in San Francisco|I wish you love|I'll remember April|I'll walk alone|I'm
glad there is you (in this world of ordinary people)|I've got you under my skin|I've grown
accustomed to her face|I've heard that song before|I've never been in love before|It's all
right with me|Just in time|Just the way you are|The lady is a tramp|Like someone in love|Lil
darlin'|Little boat (O barquinho)|Love is a simple thing|Love is here to stay|Lullaby of the
leaves|Make someone happy|Mame|Manhattan|Midnight sun|Moonlight in Vermont|More|More than you
know|My favorite things|My foolish heart|My funny Valentine|My melancholy baby|My one and only
love|My ship|My way|A nightingale sang in Berkeley square|No moon at all|Old devil moon|On the
street where you live|On the sunny side of the street|Opus one|The party's over|Pennies from
heaven|People|Polka dots and moonbeams|Prisoner of love|Sentimental journey|She's funny that
way|Skylark|Small world|Sometimes I'm happy|Somewhere out there|Speak low|Sposin|Stompin' at
the Savoy|Stormy weather|Stranger in paradise|Strangers in the night|Summertime|Tenderly|That's
all|There'll be some changes made|There will never be another you|There's a small hotel|They
can't take that away from me|This can't be love|Try to remember|What I did for love|When I fall
in love|Who can I turn to|Witchcraft|Wrap your troubles in dreams (and dream your troubles
away)|You made me love you|You'd be so nice to come home to