Lollipops and roses|Long ago (and far away)|Look for the silver lining|Love is a simple
thing|Love is here to stay|Love look away|Love me or leave me|Love walked
in|Makin'whoopee|Manhattan|Marie|Memories of you|Misty|Moon over Miami|Moonlight in
Vermont|More than you know|My baby just cares for me|My blue heaven|My funny Valentine|My
romance|Nevertheless (I'm in love with you)|Nice work if you can get it|Old cape cod|Old devil
moon|On the sunny side of the street|Our day will come|The party's over|Pennies from
heaven|People|People will say we're in love|Red roses for a blue lady|Remember|Satin doll|Say
it isn't so|Seems like old times|September song|She's funny that way|Small world|Smoke gets in
your eyes|So in love|Soft lights and sweet music|Sometimes I'm happy|Speak low|Stay as sweet as
you are|Stormy weather|Strangers in the night|A string of pearls|Sugar Blues|Summertime|A
sunday kind of love|The surrey with the fringe on top|That's all|There's a small hotel|They all
laughed|They can't take that away from me|They didn't believe me|The things we did last
summer|This can't be love|This could be the start of something|Tuxedo junction|The way you look
tonight|What'll I do|When I fall in love|When I take my sugar to tea|When the red red Robin
comes bob bob bobbin' along|When you're smiling|Where or when|The world ist waiting for the
sunrise|Yesterdays|You'd be so nice to come home to|You've got the magic touch|Younger than