All I ask of you|All the things you are|And all that jazz|Another op'nin' another show|As long
as he needs me|Baubles bangles and beads|Being alive|The best of
times|Bewitched|Cabaret|Camelot|Can't help lovin' dat man|Climb ev'ry mountain|Close every door
(aus Joseph and the amazing technicolor)|Come rain or come shine|Comedy tonight|Consider
yourself|Dancing queen Abba|Day by day (aus Godspell)|Do Re Mi|Don't cry for me
Argentina|Edelweiss|Everything's coming up roses|From this moment on|Get me to the church on
time|Getting to know you|Gonna build a mountain|Goodnight my someone|Hello Dolly|Hello young
lovers|How are things in glocca morra|I ain't down yet|I can hear the bells|I can't get started
with you|I could have danced all night|I could write a book|I don't know how to love him|I
dreamed a dream|I have dreamed|I love Paris|I wanna be a producer|I whistle a happy tune|I've
grown accustomed to her face|If ever I would leave you|If he walked into my life|If I loved
you|If I ruled the world|If I were a bell|It might as well be spring|It's a grand night for
singing|It's be lovely|Just in time|Kids (aus Bye bye birdie)|The lady is a tramp|Leaning on a
lamp post|Let me entertain you (aus Gypsy)|Look to the rainbow|Losing my mind|Make believe|Make
someone happy|Mame|Memory|My favorite things|My funny Valentine|My heart belongs to Daddy|Oh
what a beautiful mornin'|Oklahoma|Old devil moon|On a clear day (you can see forever)|On my
own|On the street where you live|One day more|One song glory|The party's over|People|People
will say we're in love|Popular|Put on a happy face|The rain in Spain|Seasons of love|September
song|Seventy six trombones|Small world|Smoke gets in your eyes|Some enchanted evening|Somebody
loves me|Someone else's story|Someone like you|Song on the sand (La da da da)|The sound of
music|Speak love|Stranger in paradise|Superstar|Supper time|The surrey with the fringe on
top|The sweetest sounds|Tell me on a sunday|There's a small hotel|There's no business like show
business|They live in you|This can't be love|This is the moment|Thou swell|Till there was
you|Tomorrow|Try to remember|Unexpected song|What I did for love|What kind of fool am I|Where
or when|Who can I turn to|When nobody needs me|Why god why|Wishing you were somehow here
again|With one look|Wouldn't it be loverly|Written in the stars John Elton|You'll never walk
alone|Younger than springtime|Anthem (aus Chess)|Applause