Adios|Ain't misbehavin'|Alice in wonderland|All by myself|All of you|All or nothing at
all|Always|Angel eyes|Aquellos ojos verdes (Green eyes)|Autumn in New York|Autumn leaves|Basin
street Blues|Be careful it's my heart|Bein' green|Between the devil and the deep blue
sea|Bewitched|The birth of the blues|The blue room|Blue Skies|Body and soul|Brazil|But
beautiful|Caravan|Cast your fate to the wind|Change partners|Cheek to cheek|Cherokee (Indian
love song)|Come rain or come shine|A cottage for sale|Crazy he calls me|Cry me a river|Dancing
on the ceiling|Darn that dream|Day by day|A day in the life of a fool (Manha de carnaval)
Bonfa Luiz|Desafinado (Off key)|Do nothin' till you hear from me|Do you know what it means to
Miss New Orleans|Don't get around much anymore|Don't worry 'bout me|Early autumn|East of the
sun (and west of the moon)|Easy living|Easy street|Easy to love (You'd be so easy to
love)|Ev'ry time we say goodbye|Everything happens to me|Ev'rything I love|Fever|Flamingo|Fly
me to the moon|For all we know|For every man there's a woman|From this moment on|Georgia on my
mind|Girl talk|God bless the child|A good man is hard to find|Good morning
heartache|Guilty|Haunted heart|Have you met Miss Jones|Hello young lovers|Here's that rainy
day|Honeysuckle rose|Hooray for love|How are things in glocca morra|How deep is the ocean (how
high is the sky)|How high the moon|I ain't got nothin' but the Blues|I can't believe that
you're in love with me|I can't get started with you|I can't give you anything but love|I
concentrate on you|I could write a book|I cried for you|I didn't know what time it was|I don't
stand a ghost of a chance with you|I get along without you very well (except sometimes)|I got
it bad and that ain't good|I gotta right to sing the blues|I hear music|I let a song go out of
my heart|I remember you|I thought about you|I wish I didn't love you so|I wish I were in love
again|I'll be around|I'll be seeing you|I'll know|I'll take romance|I'm all smiles|I'm
beginning to see the light|I've got the world on a string|I've got you under my skin|I've grown
accustomed to her face|I've heard that song before|I've never been in love before|If I should
lose you|If I were a bell|If this isn't love|Ill wind (you're blowin' me no
good)|Imagination|In a sentimental mood|In the mood|In the still of the night|In the wee small
hours of the morning|Indiana (Back home again in Indiana)|Isn't it romantic|It all depends on
you|It could happen to you|It don't mean a thing|It might as well be spring|It never entered my
mind|It's a lovely day today|It's a most unusual day|It's all right with me|It's been a long
long time|It's easy to remember|It's only a paper moon|June in January|Just in time|Just one
more chance|The lady is a tramp|Lazy river|Lazybones|Let there be love|Let's face the music and
dance|Let's get away from it all|Like someone in love|Little white lie|Look to the rainbow|Lost
in the stars|Love is a simple thing|Love is just around the corner|Love letters|Love me or
leave me|Lover|Lover come back to me|Lullaby of the leaves|Lush life|Makin'
whoopee|Manhattan|Midnight sun|Misty|Mona Lisa|Mood indigo|Moon river|Moonglow|Moonlight in
Vermont|More than you know|My baby just cares for me|My blue heaven|My Buddy|My favorite
things|My foolish heart|My funny Valentine|My heart belongs to Daddy|My heart stood still|My
ideal|My old flame|My one and only love|My romance|My shining hour|My silent love|Nature
boy|The nearness of you|A nightingale sang in Berkeley square|No moon at all|Norwegian wood
Beatles|Old devil moon|On a clear day (you can see forever)|On a slow boat to China|On the
street where you live|On the sunny side of the street|One for my baby (and one more for the
road)|Out of nowhere|The party's over|People|Perdido|Poinciana (Song of the tree)|Polka dots
and moonbeams|Poor butterfly|The rainbow connection|Rockin' chair|Rosetta|Route 66|Satin
doll|Say it isn't so|Sentimental journey|September song|Sing|Sir Duke Wonder Stevie|Skylark|A
sleepin' bee|Small fry|Small world|Smoke rings|So in love|Soft lights and sweet music|Softly as
in a morning sunrise|Solitude|Somebody loves you|Sophisticated lady|Speak love|Spring can
really hang you up the most|Spring will be a little late this year|St Louis blues|Star
dust|Stella by starlight|Stompin' at the Savoy|Stormy weather (Keeps rainin' all the time)|The
surrey with the fringe on top|Sweet and lovely|Take the A Train|Tangerine|Teach me
tonight|Tenderly|There are such things|There is no greater love|There will never be another
you|There's a small hotel|They say it's wonderful|The things we did last summer|This can't be
love|This masquerade|Thou swell|Too late now|The touch of your lips|We'll be together
again|What'll I do|What's new|When I fall in love|When sunny gets blue|When you're smiling (the
whole world smiles with you)|Where or when|Why don't you do right|Will you still be mine|Willow
weep for me|Witchcraft|You are the sunshine of my life Wonder Stevie|You are too
beautiful|You made me love you|You'd be so nice to come home to|You're blase|You're driving me
crazy (what did I do)