American lullaby|L'anneau d'argent|Die Bekehrte|Der Blumenstrauss op 47 5 Mendelssohn
Bartholdy Felix|The cherry tree|Chi vuol la zingarella Paisiello Giovanni|Christopher Robin
is saying his prayers|Cloud shadows|Crabbed age and youth|Crucifixion|El majo
timido|Evensong|Go 'way from my window|Ici bas|Jesus walked this lonesome valley|The lamb|The
lass from the low countree|The lord is my shepherd|Loveliest of trees|Morning|O rest in the
lord (aus Elias) Mendelssohn Bartholdy Felix|Oh sleep why dost thou leave me|Open our
eyes|Prayer|Preguntale a las estrellas|Silent noon Vaughan Williams Ralph|Der Schwur op 76
26|The sky above the roof|The statue at czarskoe selo|This little rose|Turn then thine
eyes|Volksliedchen|Wie Melodien|Wind of the western sea