Blow blow thou winter wind Arne Thomas Augustine|Blow ye winds|Bois epais Lully Jean
Baptiste|Bright is the ring of words Vaughan Williams Ralph|Build thee more stately mansions
Andrews Mark|Deep river|Die Könige|Die Wetterfahne Schubert Franz|Down Harley Street|Du bist
wie eine Blume op 25 24 Schumann Robert|Ein Ton Cornelius Peter|Eldorado|The first
concert|Give a man a horse he can ride|Der Herr ist mein Hirte Dvorak Antonin|The heart
worships Holst Gustav|I wonder as I wander|In einem kühlen Grunde|Jesus fount of consolation
Bach Johann Sebastian|L'amour de moi|Le miroir - Ferrari Gustav|Os tormentos de amor|Over the
hills|Pilgrim's song|Pretty as a picture Herbert Victor|The pretty creature Storace
Stephen|The roadside fire Vaughan Williams Ralph|Rolling down to Rio German Edward|Sea
fever|The slighted swain|The song of Momus to Mars Boyce William|Toglietemi la vita ancor
Scarlatti Alessandro|Verratene Liebe op 40 5 Schumann Robert|An Silvia op 106 4 D 891
Schubert Franz