Across the western ocean|The bells of Clermont Town|The blind ploughman Clarke Robert|Blow
blow thou winter wind Arne Thomas Augustine|Blow high blow low|Create in me a clean
heart|Encantadora Maria|False Phillis|The friar of orders gray Shield William|Hör ich das
Liedchen klingen op 48 10 Schumann Robert|Intermezzo Schumann Robert|Jagdlied (aus Des
Knaben Wunderhorn op 84 3) Mendelssohn Bartholdy Felix|The jolly roger|The king of love my
shepherd is|La Paloma Blanca|Le secret op 23 3 Faure Gabriel|Leave me loathsome light
Haendel Georg Friedrich|Let us break bread together|Lord I want to be a Christian|Lungi dal
caro bene Sarti Giuseppe|Next winter comes slowly Purcell Henry|O Mistress mine Quilter
Roger|On the road to Madalay Speaks Oley|The rovin' gambler|The sea MacDowell Edward
Alexander|Sea moods|Shenandoah|The splendour falls|Tally ho|There was a mighty monarch
Beethoven Ludwig van|Why so pale and wan Arne Thomas Augustine|Widmung op 14 1 Franz Robert