Oh woman you may keep the gold Menotti Gian Carlo|Hark the land bids me Barber Samuel|Warm
as the autumn light Moore Douglas|Turn tail and run then Moore Douglas|Good people of
Leadville Moore Douglas|Soliloquy|The police agent's aria Menotti Gian Carlo|Oh lawd Jesus
heah my prayer Grünberg Louis|Once in a while|They wish they could kill me Corigliano
John|Figaro was supposed to return the necklace Corigliano John|The doctor's aria Kurka
Robert|Dear Madame Kurka Robert|I remember long ago Harbison John|And this will be my
epitaph Barber Samuel|The songs of the slave Mechem Kirke|There was a knight Adamo
Mark|Kennst du das Land|Thousands of miles Weill Kurt|O tixo tixo help me Weill
Kurt|Jehosophat Bolcom William|In 1839 Schuman William H|The catcher's song Schuman
William H|The manager's song Schuman William H|The umpire's song Schuman William H|What
what is is Thomson Virgil|Angel more Thomson Virgil|When the air sings of summer Menotti
Gian Carlo|Horace's aria Blitzstein Marc|Greedy girl Blitzstein Marc|Ah poor Michele
Menotti Gian Carlo|Ol' man river|Let things be like they always was Weill Kurt|Epiphany|Every
day at church Mechem Kirke|Venus of the east Dun Tan|Our revels now are ended|You rascal
you I never knew you had a soul Barber Samuel|For ev'ry love there is a last farewell
Barber Samuel|Man that is born of a woman