Ain't misbehavin'|Alright okay you win|Amazing grace|A beautiful friendship|Bernie's tune|Blame
it on my youth|Blue prelude|Bluesette|But beautiful|By myself|Cabaret|Cherokee|Come back to
me|Comes once in a lifetime|Darn that dream|A day in the life of a fool|'Deed I do|Desafinado
(Slightly out of tune)|Do I love you|Do you know what it means to Miss New Orleans|Early
autumn|East of the sun (and west of the moon)|Easy to love|Everything happens to me|Ev'ry time
we say goodbye|Ev'rything I've got|Falling in love with love|A fine romance|Fly me to the
moon|For you for me for evermore|Funny girl|Get out the town|The girl from Ipanema (garota de
Ipanema)|Have you met Miss Jones|Hello young lovers|Here's that rainy day|Honeysuckle rose|How
insensitive (Insensatez)|I can't get started|I concentrate on you|I could write a book|I didn't
know what time it was|I love you|I see your face before me|I won't dance|I'll be around|I'm old
fashioned|Imagination|In the still of the night|It might as well be spring|It never entered my
mind|It's be lovely|I've got you under my skin|The joint is jumpin'|Just imagine|Lazy
afternoon|Like someone in love|Little boat (O barquinho)|Long before I knew|Love look away|Love
walked in|Lover man|Make someone happy|A man and a woman|Manhattan|Mean to
me|Meditation|Memories of you|Misty|More|More than you know|My foolish heart|My romance|My
ship|Nice work if you can get it|A nightingale sang in Berkeley square|No more at all|Oh look
at me now|The old fashioned way|Once in a lifetime|Once upon a summertime|One note samba (Samba
de una nota so)|People will say we're in love|Quiet nights of quiet stars (Corcovado)|Robbin's
nest|Samba de orfeu|She's funny that way|So in love|So nice|Someone to light up my
life|Sometimes I'm happy|The song is you|Song of the jet (Samba do aviao)|Soon it's gonna
rain|Speak low|Stompin' at the Savoy|Sweet and lovely|That's all|There is no greater
love|There's a small hotel|This can't be love|This is all I ask (Beautiful girls walk a little
slower)|This is new|The thrill is gone|The touch of your lips|Undecided|Wait till you see
her|Waltz for Debby|When I'm not near the girl I love|Where is love|Where or when|While we're
young|Wrap your troubles in dreams (and dream your troubles away)|Yesterdays|You better go
now|You'd be so nice to come home to|You'd better love me|Young and foolish|You're the cream in
my coffee|You turned the tables on me