All of you|All the things you are|All through the night|Almost like being in
love|Bewitched|Bill|But not for me|Can't help lovin' dat man|C'est magnifique|The colors of my
life|Dancing in the dark|Embraceable you|Fanny|Gigi|Have you met Miss Jones|He loves and she
loves|The heather on the hill|Here I'll stay|Hey there|How are things in glocca morra|I can't
get started|I could write a book|I didn't know what time it was|I don't know how to love him|I
know him so well|I love Paris|I love you|I still get jealous|I talk to the trees|If ever I
would leave you|If I ruled the world|If there is someone lovelier than you|If you really knew
me|I'll only miss her when I thing of her|It's a sin to tell a lie|I've got a feeling I'm
falling|I've grown accustomed to her face|Lazy afternoon|Long before I knew|Look to the
rainbow|Lost in the stars|Love makes the world go 'round|Make believe|Make someone happy|The
man I love|More than you know|My cup runneth over|My funny Valentine|My ship|Namely you|Night
and day|Not a day goes by|Not while I'm around|Old devil moon|On a clear day (you can see
forever)|On the street where you live|Once upon a time|Our language of love|The party's
over|People|September song|Small world|Smoke gets in your eyes|So in love|Someone to watch over
me|The song is you|Soon it's gonna rain|Speak low|Sunrise sunset|Thank heaven for you|There's a
small hotel|True Love|Try to remember|When did I fall in love|Where or when|Wish you were
here|Yesterdays|You are my home|You'll never get away from me|Young and foolish