Across the alley from the Alamo|Adios|After The Rain|Aguas de marco (Waters of march)|All night
long|All too soon|Allen's alley|Always true to you in my fashion|And all that jazz|Angela
(Theme from Taxi)|Apple core|Are you real|As long as he needs me|As we speak|Ashes to
ashes|Aunt Hagar's Blues|Azure te (Paris Blues)|Baby elephant walk Mancini Henry|Baby just
come home to me|Back in your own back yard|Bag's new groove|Ballin' the Jack|Bandstand
Boogie|The best is yet to come|Bill|Bim bom|Bird song|Birds of a feather|Black byrd|Blackbird
Beatles|Blue friday|Blue Soul|Blues for Junior (Pyramid)|Blues in Frankie's flat|Blues in
time|Blues the most|Bopzilla|Born to be bad|Born to be blue|Boy meets horn|Break out the
blues|Bremond's Blues|Brown hornet|Buster's last stand|But she's my buddy's chick|Button up
your overcoat|Cake walking babies from home|Can't buy me love Beatles|The cape verdean
Blues|Change of season|Charade|Chasing the bird|The chicken|Children of the night|The christmas
song (chestnuts roasting on an ofen fire)|Christmas time is here|Christopher
Columbus|Chromozone|Clockwise|Close as pages in a book|Cocktails for two|Come candellia|Come
dance with me|Comes love|Compared to what|A cool shade of blue|Curves Ahead|Daddy|Dahomey
dance|Dance only with me|Days of wine and roses|Deacon blues Steely Dan|Dear heart|Deep
purple|Devil may care|Dexter digs in|Dextivity|Dinner for one please James|The
disguise|Djangology|Do I love you|Doctor Jazz|Don't be that way|Don't you know I
care|Doodlin'|Down|Down under|Down with love|Dragonfly|Duke's place|The earl|Effendi|El
hombre|Elevation|Every day I have the blues|Everybody loves my baby (but my baby don't love
nobody but me)|Ev'rything I've got|Federico|A felicidade Jobim Antonio Carlos|Festive
minor|Flamingo|Flip flop and fly|A foggy day (in London Town)|For you for me for
evermore|Friends|Fuchsia swing song|Gettin' over the blues|Gingerbread boy|Ginza Samba|The girl
with his smile and my eyes|Give me the night|Goin' to Minton's|Goin' out of my head|Golden
earrings|The good life|Goodbye|Green haze|Guess who I saw today|The gypsy|Gypsy jingle
jangle|Hallelujah I love him (her) so|Happy go lucky local|Happy with the Blues|Hear
ye|Heartaches|Helen's Song|Hideaway|Hindustan|Hit the road to dreamland|Hoe down|Home|A house
is not a home|How little we know|Humpty dumpty|A hundred years from today|I can dream can't I|I
could eat your words|I didn't know about you|I got a woman|I got rhythm|I got you (I feel good)
Brown James|I guess I'll have to change my plan|I hadn't anyone till you|I love Lucy|I love my
baby|I remember Duke|I saw stars|I say a little prayer Franklin Aretha|I see your face before
me|I shot the sheriff Marley Bob|I told ya I love ya now get out|I walk with music|I wouldn't
trade you|I'd rather be blue over you|I'm a dreamer aren't we all|I'm gonna go fishin'|I've got
my eyes on you|I've got your number|If ever I would leave you|If I ruled the world|If I were
blue|If you could see me now|If you go|In a silent way|The in crowd|In the arms of love|In the
blue of evening|Inner space|Intermission riff|It was a very good year|It was written in the
stars|It's a lonesome old town|It's magic|It's you|Ivy|Ja da|Jamento|Jayne|Jeru|John's
Bunch|Johnny one note|Johnny's Theme|The joint is jumpin'|Jump for joy|Just friends|Kansas
City|Key Largo|Killing me softly|Kim|Ko Ko|Lament for Booker|Las guajiras|Laurie|Lean on me
Withers Bill|Lester left town|Let there be you|Letter to Evan|Life is just a bowl of
cherries|Light as a feather|Lilac wine|Linus and Lucy|Lisa|Listen here|Lollipops and
roses|Lonely girl|Long tall Dexter|Loose ends|Lost|Love wise|Lovely to look at|Low down and
dirty|Mad about him sad without him how can I be glad without him Blues|Mad about the boy|Make
believe|The man with the horn|Manana|Manila|Maybe this time|Maybe you'll be there|Memphis in
june|Minor swing|Minute by minute|Mirror mirror|Miss fine|Mission impossible theme|Mission to
Moscow|Mr Lucky|Mr wonderful|Moment to moment|The mooch|Moon over Miami|Moonlight
Cocktail|Movin' along|My bells|Nagasaki|Never never land|Nigerian marketplace|Night and
day|Night lights|A night on bop mountain|Nightwings|Nippon soul|Noblesse|Not really the
blues|Nothing personal|O morro nao tem vez (Favela) (Somehere in the hills) Jobim Antonio
Carlos|O Pato (The Duck)|Oh how my heart beats for you|Ol' man river|Ole buttermilk sky|On
broadway|On green dolphin street|On the border|Once upon a summertime|One for Helen|One mint
Julep|Only the lonely|O P|Open country|Opus de funk|Opus one|Our day will come|Outra
vez|Palladium|Parker's mood|Paul's pal|Perfidia|Personality|Peter Gunn|The pink panther
Mancini Henry|Please send me someone to love Sade|Punk Jazz|Puttin' on the
ritz|Quasimodo|Real love|Red's good groove|Relaxin' at the Camarillo|A remark you
made|Resolution part 2|Reunion Blues|Revelation|Ribbon in the sky Wonder Stevie|River
people|River stay 'way from my door|Round up the usual suspects|Sabroso|Samba Cantina|Samba
song|Saturday night (is the loneliest night of the week)|Save your love for me|Screamin' the
blues|Senor blues|Senor Mouse|Serenade to a bus beat|Serengeti wal (Slippin'in the back
door)|The sermon|Settin' the pace|The shadow of your smile|Shivers|Short stuff|Side by
side|Simple Samba|Sir Duke Wonder Stevie|Sir John|Six and four|64 bars on
wilshire|Skating|Sleep warm|Smile|Snakes|Sneakin' up behind you|So easy|So sorry please|Solo
flight|Some day|Somebody else is taking my place|Someone to light up my life|Somewhere along
the way|A song for you|Sonor|Sookie sookie|South of the border|Spain|Spiderman theme|Spinning
wheel|Star song|Step lightly|Sticks|Straight ahead|Strange fruit|Street life|Stuffy|Sugar
Blues|Sultry serenade|Summertime|Sunny|Sunrise serenade|Sure thing|Swanee|Sway (quien sera)|The
sweetheart tree|Swing 42 Reinhardt Django|Swinging at the haven|Symphony|Taking a chance on
love|Talk to me|Tears inside|That's life|That's my desire|Them there eyes|Theme for
Jobim|There's no you|Thermo|They say it's spring|34 Skidoo|This love of mine|Three views of a
secret|To love and be loved|The Tokyo Blues|Too darn hot|Too young to go steady|Tuxedo
junction|Twelve tone tune|Two bass hit|245|Two sleepy people|Ugetsu|Unit 7|Up with the
lark|Voyage|Wabash|Walk on by|Wallflower|Way out west|West end blues|Western reunion|Whap|What
a fool believes|What are you doing new year's eve|What you won't do for love|What'd I say|When
the red red Robin comes bob bob bobbin' along|When the world was young|When will the blues
leave|Whistling away the dark|Who (aus Sunny)|Why can't you behave|Why was I born|The wind|With
the wind and the rain in your hair|A wonderful guy|Yes sir that's my baby|You are my
sunshine|You are there|You call it madness (but I call it love)|You came a long way from St
Louis|You're everything|You're looking at me|You're the cream in my coffee|Young and foolish