Ain't we got fun|Always|Are you havin' any fun|As long as I live|At sundown|Bibbidi bobbidi
boo|But beautiful|By myself|Candy|Caravan|Cherokee (Indian love song)|Come sunday|Dear hearts
and gentle people|Don't be that way|Everything I have is yours|Exactly like you|Falling in love
with love|Flying home|Guilty|Hit the road to dreamland|I concentrate on you|I don't stand a
ghost of a chance with you|I got it bad and that ain't good|I gotta right to sing the blues|I
hadn't anyone till you|I hear music|I see your face before me|I wish I didn't love you so|I
won't dance|I'll know|I've heard that song before|If I should lose you|If this isn't love|Ill
wind (you're blowin' me no good)|Imagination|In love in vain|It don't mean a thing|It never
entered my mind|It's been a long long time|It's be lovely|It's easy to remember|Just one more
chance|Lazy river|Let a smile be your umbrella|Lili Marleen|Long ago (and far away)|Love is
just around the corner|Love is the sweetest thing|A lovely way to spend an evening|Lover come
back to me|The man that got away|Moonlight becomes you|There ought to be a moonlight saving
time|More than you know|My Buddy|My lucky star|My old flame|My romance|My shining hour|My
sin|Oh what a beautiful mornin'|Oklahoma|Ol' man river|Old devil moon|Once in love with Amy|One
for my baby (and one more for the road)|Pennies from heaven|Pick yourself up|Rockin' chair|She
didn't say yes|Small fry|So in love|Softly as in a morning sunrise|Solitude|Some enchanted
evening|Sometimes I'm happy|The song is you|Sophisticated lady|Stompin' at the
Savoy|Stouthearted men|Sweet Sue just you|They say it's wonderful|This can't be love|Three
coins in the fountain|The touch of your hand|Wedding bells|What'll I do|Who|Why do I love
you|Without a song|Yesterdays|You brought a new kind of love to me|You're driving me crazy
(what did I do)|You're the cream in my coffee