Ain't there anyone here for love|Always a bridesmaid|Always true to you in my fashion|And I am
telling you I'm not going|Anything but lonely|As if we never said goodbye|As long as he needs
me|Broadway baby|Cabaret|A change in me Crow Sheryl|Children of Eden|City lights|A cock eyed
optimist|Come to your senses|Could I leave you|Dance ten looks three|Defying gravity|Diamonds
are a girl's best friend|Don't call me trailer trash|Don't cry for me Argentina|Don't cry out
loud|Everybody loves Louis Backstreet Boys|Funny honey|The gentleman is a dope|Gimme
gimme|Good morning Baltimore|Hard candy christmas|He wasn't you|Heads or tails|Here I am|Hit me
with a hot note and watch me bounce Lewis Huey + the news|Honey bun|How are things in glocca
morra|How did we come to this|Hurry it's lovely up here|I ain't down yet|I am changing|I can do
better than that|I can hear the bells|I don't know how to love him|I dreamed a dream|I enjoy
being a girl|I got the sun in the morning|I had myself a true love|I wish I were in love
again|I'd give my life for you|If he really knew me|If he walked into my life|If my friends
could see me now|It's a helluva way to run a love affair Tyler Bonnie|Johnny one note|Keepin'
out of mischief now|The lady is a tramp|Life is|Life with Harold|Live out loud|Look at me
now|Losing my mind|Mama who bore me Stürmer Christina|The man that got away|Maybe this
time|Mein Herr|Memory|The miller's son|Miss Marmelstein|The music that makes me dance|My
body|My heart belongs to Daddy|My new philosophy|Never never land|A new life|Not for the life
of me|Nothing|Nowadays|On my own|The party's over|The past is another land|Roxie|Send in the
clowns|Shadowland|Show off|Shy|Someone else's story|Someone like you|Stars and the
moon|Stepsisters' lament|Still hurting|The sweetest sounds|Take that look off your face|Tell me
on a sunday|There are worse things I could do|There won't be trumpets|There's a fine fine
line|A trip to the library|We deserve each other|What did I have that I don't have|What I did
for love|What you don't know about women|When you come home to me|When you got it flaunt it|Who
will love me as I am|The winner takes it all Abba|With one look|The wizard and I|Woman|A
wonderful guy