The ballad of Davy Crockett|The bare necessities|Bella notte (this is the night)|Bibbidi
bobbidi boo|Candle on the water|Chim chim cheree|A dream is a wish your heart makes|I'm
late|It's a small world|Lavender blue (Dilly dilly)|Let's go fly a kite|The lord is good to
me|Mickey Mouse March|Never smile at a crocodile|Once upon a dream|The siamese cat song|So this
is love (The Cinderella waltz)|A spoonful of sugar|Supercalifragilisticexpialidcious|Sweet
surrender|These are the best times|Toyland march|The unbirthday song|You ho (A pirate's life
for me)|You can fly you can fly you can fly|Zip a dee doo dah|Alice in wonderland|Be our
guest|Beauty and the beast|Best of friends|Breaking free|Can you feel the love tonight John
Elton|Circle of life John Elton|Colors of the wind|Cruella de Vil|Friend like me|How d'ye do
and shake hands|I just can't wait to be king|If I never knew you|Reflection|Saludos Amigos|The
second star to the right|Someone's waiting for you|Sooner or later|Trashin' the camp|Under the
sea|We're all in this together|Westward ho the wagons|A whale of a tale|Wringle wrangle|Written
in the stars John Elton|You are the music in me|You'll be in my heart|You've got a friend in
me|Zero to hero|Go the distance|Hakuna matata|Little april shower|Where the dream takes you|My
funny friend and me|Kiss the girl|A pirate's life|Part of your world|Let's get together|He's a
tramp|God help the outcasts|Someday|Winnie the pooh|When she loved me|The wonderful thing about
tiggers|A whole new world