Across the western ocean|The bells of Clermont Town|The blind ploughman Clarke Robert|Blow
blow thou winter wind Arne Thomas Augustine|Blow high blow low|Create in me a clean
heart|Encantadora Maria|False Phillis|The friar of orders gray Shield William|Hör ich das
Liedchen klingen op 48 10 Schumann Robert|Intermezzo Schumann Robert|Jagdlied Mendelssohn
Bartholdy Felix|The jolly roger|The king of love my shepherd is|La Paloma Blanca|Le secret
Faure Gabriel|Leave me loathsome light Händel Georg Friedrich|Let us break bread
together|Lord I want to be a Christian|Lungi dal caro bene Sarti Giuseppe|Next winter comes
slowly Purcell Henry|O Mistress mine Quilter Roger|On the road to Madalay Speaks Oley|The
rovin' gambler|The sea|Sea moods|Shenandoah|The splendour falls|Tally ho|There was a mighty
monarch Beethoven Ludwig van|Why so pale and wan Arne Thomas Augustine|Widmung Franz
Robert|L'amour de moi Ponchielli Amilcare|Blow ye winds|Bois epais Lully Jean
Baptiste|Bright is the ring of words Vaughan Williams Ralph|Build thee more stately mansions
Andrews Mark|Deep river|Down Harley Street|Du bist wie eine Blume Liszt Franz|Du bist wie
eine Blume Schumann Robert|Ein Ton Cornelius Peter|Eldorado|The first concert|Give a man a
horse he can ride|Der Herr ist mein Hirte Dvorak Antonin|The heart worships Holst Gustav|I
wonder as I wander|In einem kühlen Grunde|Jesus fount of consolation|Die Könige aus dem
Morgenland|Le miroir - Ferrari Gustav|Over the hills|Os tormentos de amor|Pilgrim's song|Pretty
as a picture Herbert Victor|The pretty creature Storace Stephen|The roadside fire Vaughan
Williams Ralph|Rolling down to Rio German Edward|Sea fever|The slighted swain|The song of
Momus to Mars Boyce William|Toglietemi la vita ancor Scarlatti Alessandro|Verratene Liebe
op 40 5 Schumann Robert|Sylvia Schubert Franz|Die Wetterfahne Schubert Franz|The beggar's
song|Bergere legere|Blue are her eyes|Captain Mac|Come o come my life's delight Parker
Horatio|The complacent lover|Consecration Franz Robert|Evening|Five eyes|Geheimes op 14 2 D
719|God so loved the world|How long wilt thou forget me Speaks Oley|In the Luxembourg
gardens|Invictus|Io so che pria mi moro|It was a lover and his lass|Let not your heart be
troubled Speaks Oley|La maison grise Messager Andre|Morir voglio D'Astorga Emanuelo|Der
Musikant|Once I loved a maiden fair|The pasture|Que l'heure est donc breve Massenet
Jules|River boats|Die Rose die Lilie die Taube die Sonne op 48 3 Schumann Robert|Der Schnee
ist zergangen Franz Robert|The sea bird Quilter Roger|The ships of Arcady Head
Michael|The skipper|Song of the armourer|Spirit of God Puccini Giacomo|The tinker's
song|Trusting in thee|When all night long a chap remains Sullivan Arthur|When big profundo
sang low c Botsford George W|When I was one and twenty Somervell Arthur