3165140623605 - Accessories 2608667394 Stichsägeblatt t 1044 dp Precision for Wood 3 St - Bosch

EAN: 3165140623605

Produktdaten aktualisiert am: 29.09.2024 um 01:16 Uhr
Hersteller: Bosch Hersteller-ArtNr. (MPN): - ASIN: B00D5YVMUA
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For use with jigsaws with fastening systems with T-shafts. The T 1044 DP Precision for Wood jigsaw blade provides precise quick straight cuts in wood. Its increased blade thickness prevents bending and provides precise cuts at accurate angles. Additionally the blade's sharp rake angle ground teeth are set out allowing for quick cuts. The blade is made of HCS (high carbon steel) and is suitable for cutting softwood and non-abrasive woodworking materials. It features a large tooth height (4 mm) and an extra-long 250 mm blade for cutting wood materials up to 160 mm thick. T 1044 DP HCS set out ground Thick construction timber softwood (5-150 mm) chipboard furniture board fiberboard





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