4001167832790 - Weekend Fischen Puppenzubehör 4001167832790 Zapf Creatio

EAN: 4001167832790

Produktdaten aktualisiert am: 01.10.2024 um 01:35 Uhr
Hersteller: Zapf Creation Hersteller-ArtNr. (MPN): 832790 ASIN: B09MS1N3Q5
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“There’s plenty more fish in the sea…” But actually BABY born prefers to catch cute little ducklings instead. As she sits comfortably in the pink deckchair with its colourful pattern she tries to catch one of the five ducklings with the hook of her fishing rod. Now and then she takes a sip of lemonade which is standing on the little yellow side table attached to her deckchair. Once all the ducklings have been caught and are in the blue basket they’re allowed to swim free in the pond again and the fun can start once more. While playing this fun fishing game BABY born wears a casual pink dress with a cool print. High-quality accessories for the BABY born branded doll. For enhanced diverse and long-lasting fun through play. Suitable for dolls in the sizes 36 cm and 43 cm. Includes: - BABY born Weekend Fishing with dress deckchair with side table lemonade bottle basket five ducklings and fishing rod





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