4008705154222 - HERMA 15422 - 16 Seiten - Junge Mädchen - Mehrfarben (15422)

EAN: 4008705154222

Produktdaten aktualisiert am: 29.09.2024 um 19:36 Uhr
Hersteller: HERMA Hersteller-ArtNr. (MPN): 11246_H353982-76642 ASIN: B08D9PDHJN
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The collection obsession is real! It starts in kindergarten when the little ones receive their first stickers and by the time they’re old enough for the schoolyard they are collecting and swapping like there’s no tomorrow! So that they can keep all their bright shiny and sparkly stickers safe sticker fans young and old alike need a stunning sticker album. Most importantly the stickers must adhere firmly inside but still peel off easily. The sticker album also needs to be the right size to fit into small hands and have a well-designed and cheerful cover. HERMA sticker albums offer the lot. The sticker albums are blank inside with unprinted pages leaving plenty of space for the imagination to run wild. Children now have more favourites to choose from: HERMA’s sticker album range now includes the new Dino design a wonderfully playful design that is ideal for young sticker fans.





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