Note: Please make sure you select the right Version. The AMBEO Sub was designed to deliver an
incredible sound experience. It produces extremely deep bass powered by the AMBEO
virtualisation technology and an 8” high-end proprietary woofer. Closed enclosure ensures
audiophile-grade bass by making it more precise and punchier. Thanks to the multi-sub array
technology there is a possibility to connect up to four subwoofers to scale bass performance
to match any room size. Thanks to the built-in microphone and the advanced room calibration
algorithms AMBEO Sub intelligently scans and analyses the given environment to adapt the sound
to the architectural specifics of your room. The wireless connection ensures you keep your
space clean and neat without any cables needed to connect AMEBO Sub. Connect and control your
AMBEO Sub wirelessly with only one click in the Smart Control App. THE ULTIMATE IMMERSIVE SOUND
EXPERIENCE 4923421808 Weitere 15511 https: common modules api
4.90 0 4250486144323 18.99 Wetterfeste Dekofigur für ihren Garten Terrasse oder ihren
Eingangsbereich. Die Figur aus Polyresin kann im Sommer wie im Winter im Freien verweilen.
Naturgetreue Darstellung und hochwertige Verarbeitung machen jede Figur zu einem echten
Hingucker.Farbe: natur braun weißMaße: 31 x 12 x 12 5 cm Material: Polyresinwetterfest"