5031923871250 - Wildlife Meerkat - 387125

EAN: 5031923871250

Produktdaten aktualisiert am: 01.10.2024 um 03:44 Uhr
Hersteller: Mojo Hersteller-ArtNr. (MPN): - ASIN: B007DYQ1T0
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If the individual meerkat is on guard and danger approaches they will sound the alarm for the rest of the group. Meerkats are known to use a wide range of vocal calls to communicate with each other. With long howls they warn the rest of the group of an approaching bird of prey and with short double barks they warn them of a predator approaching the group on the ground. A meerkat group's individual territory covers an area large enough to ensure that the group has everything they need to survive as successfully as possible. This includes areas with both hard and soft sand because while the hard sand provides the perfect soil to build their tunnels in it also takes more energy for meerkats to forage for food in it. Dimensions: 3.5 x 2 x 6.25 centimeters.





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