5712854296137 - Cotton cap

EAN: 5712854296137

Produktdaten aktualisiert am: 29.09.2024 um 23:37 Uhr
Hersteller: Creativ Company Hersteller-ArtNr. (MPN): - ASIN: B07TK1PCNB
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100% cotton cap with extra large brim and adjustable strap at the back for a good fit which you can decorate according to your own personal style. If you want to paint draw and decorate the cap remember to follow the instructions on the colours you choose so that the intensity of the colours lasts. If necessary put plastic or something inside the cap while decorating it so that colours don't rub off on the back. Note that there is cardboard inside the brim of the cap to stiffen it. So if you wash the cap in the washing machine or use it for batik (dye bath) the shade may soften and become slightly out of shape.





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