5712854451826 - Two Piece Ball Paper 4pcs

EAN: 5712854451826

Produktdaten aktualisiert am: 30.09.2024 um 03:29 Uhr
Hersteller: Creativ Company Hersteller-ArtNr. (MPN): - ASIN: B0C69WDTX5
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Express your creativity with this two-piece cardboard ball covered with brown recycled paper on the outside and white paper on the inside. The ball can be decorated in a variety of creative ways - with craft paints decoupage pulp and more. Perfect for storing small items and surprises. Decorate the two parts of the ball separately making sure that the decoration does not cover the edge where the ball will be assembled later. For colouring we recommend Plus Color craft paint which is available in a range of colours to cover the dark background. The ball can also be decorated with paper tissue paper napkins etc. glued wooden discs string beads etc. and covered with pulp plaster gauze etc. The two-piece ball which can be decorated in a variety of ways can be used as a small decorative box for small items. You can also delight a loved one by using it as a personalised gift box for small items and decorate it for the occasion as an alternative to wrapping paper





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