5714255009712 - Shelly - Wall Display Table Stand - 35 degrees - Black

EAN: 5714255009712

Produktdaten aktualisiert am: 30.09.2024 um 15:20 Uhr
Hersteller: Light Solutions Hersteller-ArtNr. (MPN): - ASIN: -
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Upgrade your Shelly Wall Display with our specially designed table stand that gives you the freedom to place your display on any surface without the need for wall mounting. This unique accessory manufactured through precise 3D printing technology is created to meet your needs for flexibility and stylish presentation.Important: Please note that the product is not approved for installation use as it is not part of the official mounting solution.With our Shelly Wall Display table stand you can easily give your display an angle of 35 degrees which is ideal for optimizing visibility and readability. This makes it a practical solution whether placed on a table shelf or other flat surface.Installation is simple and does not require complex tools or cumbersome processes. You can easily place your Shelly Wall Display in the stand and it will stand stable and secure ready to display your information in an elegant way.Create a dynamic presentation with our table stand which opens up countless creative possibilities. Whether in the home office or retail environment this stand will help you add style and functionality to your Shelly Wall Display.Note that this product is designed to improve the user experience but should not be used for installation purposes. Always ensure that your Shelly Wall Display is correctly installed according to current safety standards if it is used as part of an electrical installation.





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