EAN: 7021988203859

Produktdaten aktualisiert am: 01.10.2024 um 01:41 Uhr
Hersteller: SG Armaturen Hersteller-ArtNr. (MPN): - ASIN: -
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Smart control of all TW LEDDim luminaires. The TW LEDDim Smart Push is mounted in the FUGA 1 module and fits perfectly with both new and old FUGA frames. It has 4 pushbuttons where the 2 on the left controls power on and off and adjusting the light up and down. By double pressing on the upper left the light color can be changed. The 2 buttons on the right can store 2 scenarios to quickly adjust the light based on color temperature and brightness. Included in the SMART universe and in connection with the Smart Gateway daytime running lights can be started at the touch of a button or you can easily set your own daytime rhythm.





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