EAN: 7350065322689

Produktdaten aktualisiert am: 29.09.2024 um 15:24 Uhr
Hersteller: Asmodee Hersteller-ArtNr. (MPN): - ASIN: -
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The second major expansion to the original game Carcassonne Traders & Builders contains 24 tiles with new features such as Bridges and Cities. Some tiles also contain symbols for the items Wine Clothing and Wheat. Players collect one of these items when the feature that has it on the tile is scored. Players who have the most of each type of good get bonus points at the end of the game. There is a popular house rule that allows trading of items between players in exchange for other items and the ability to choose where a tile is placed. There are also two new wooden pieces in this expansion. The builder is like a meeple because it can be placed in a city or road as a kind of guide. A subsequent tile expansion of the function the Builder is in allows the player to place another tile. Farmers will also be able to place a new pig farmer in a field for extra points at the end of the game. This game is in Scandinavian language





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