8715837305755 - Easy Life Blue Exit 1000 ml

EAN: 8715837305755

Produktdaten aktualisiert am: 28.09.2024 um 19:32 Uhr
Hersteller: Easy Life Hersteller-ArtNr. (MPN): - ASIN: B0071815YY
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Clean water without blue-green algae. (Cyanobacteria) Blue Exit is the new way to get rid of blue-green algae without using antibiotics or agents containing copper. Blue-green algae often occurs as a result of fertilization an unbalanced bacterial environment contaminated bottom material (rotten) or too low nitrate levels. Blue Exit effectively removes cyanobacteria. Blue Exit is easy and safe to use and is harmless to fish shrimp molluscs and plants. If there is a serious infestation Blue Exit treatment can be extended for a few days - even with a double dose. USE: 5 day course: dosage: 10 ml per 80 litres daily for 5 consecutive days. TIP: Remove absorbent materials (such as activated carbon). Shake before use. Dosage: 10 ml per 80 litres daily for 5 consecutive days. Cyanobacteria disappear within 10 days after last dose. Do not change refill water or absorbent materials from the first time you add Blue Exit until 14 days after. Preventive: 10 ml per 80 litres of water weekly.





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