In his critically acclaimed international bestseller Sapiens Yuval Noah Harari explained how
humankind came to rule the planet. In Homo Deus he examines humanity's future offering a
vision of tomorrow that at first seems incomprehensible but soon looks undeniable: humanity
will lose not only its dominance but its very meaning. Over the past century humankind has
managed to do the impossible: turn the uncontrollable forces of nature?namely famine plague
and war?into manageable challenges. Today more people die from eating too much than from eating
too little more people die from old age than from infectious diseases and more people commit
suicide than are killed by soldiers terrorists and criminals combined. We are the only
species in earth's long history that has single-handedly changed the entire planet and we no
longer expect any higher being to mold our destinies for us. What then will replace famine
plague and war at the top of the human agenda? What destinies will we set for ourselves and
which quests will we undertake? Homo Deus explores the projects dreams and nightmares that
will shape the twenty-first century from overcoming death to creating artificial life. But the
pursuit of these very goals may ultimately render most human beings superfluous. So where do we
go from here? And how can we protect this fragile world from our own destructive powers? We
cannot stop the march of history but we can influence its direction. Future-casting typically
assumes that tomorrow at its heart will look much like today: we will possess amazing new
technologies but old humanist values like liberty and equality will still guide us. Homo Deus
dismantles these assumptions and opens our eyes to a vast range of alternative possibilities
with provocative arguments on every page among them: The main products of the
twenty-first-century economy will not be textiles vehicles and weapons but bodies brains
and minds. While the industrial revolution created the working class the next big revolution
will create the useless class. The way humans have treated animals is a good indicator for how
upgraded humans will treat us. Democracy and the free market will both collapse once Google and
Facebook know us better than we know ourselves and authority will shift from individual humans
to networked algorithms. Humans won't fight machines they will merge with them. We are heading
toward marriage rather than war. This is the shape of the new world and the gap between those
who get on board and those left behind will be larger than the gap between industrial empires
and agrarian tribes larger even than the gap between Sapiens and Neanderthals. This is the
next stage of evolution. This is Homo Deus.