importance of trust when it comes to work: the trust of your employees and building trust with
your customers. This book provides a blueprint for how to build and maintain that trust and
connection in a digital environment.? ?Eric S. Yuan founder and CEO of Zoom A Harvard Business
School professor and leading expert in virtual and global work provides remote workers and
leaders with the best practices necessary to perform at the highest levels in their
organizations. The rapid and unprecedented changes brought on by Covid-19 have accelerated the
transition to remote working requiring the wholesale migration of nearly entire companies to
virtual work in just weeks leaving managers and employees scrambling to adjust. This massive
transition has forced companies to rapidly advance their digital footprint using cloud
storage cybersecurity and device tools to accommodate their new remote workforce.
Experiencing the benefits of remote working?including nonexistent commute times lower
operational costs and a larger pool of global job applicants?many companies including Twitter
and Google plan to permanently incorporate remote days or give employees the option to work
from home full-time. But virtual work has it challenges. Employees feel lost isolated out of
sync and out of sight. They want to know how to build trust maintain connections without
in-person interactions and a proper work life balance. Managers want to know how to lead
virtually how to keep their teams motivated what digital tools they'll need and how to keep
employees productive. Providing compelling evidence-based answers to these and other pressing
issues Remote Work Revolution is essential for navigating the enduring challenges teams and
managers face. Filled with specific actionable steps and interactive tools this timely book
will help team members deliver results previously out of reach. Following Neeley's advice
employees will be able to break through routine norms to successfully use remote work to
benefit themselves their groups and ultimately their organizations.