From daughter of musical visionary Frank Zappa. Moon Unit Zappa comes a memoir of growing up
in her unconventional household in 1970s Los Angeles coming of age as part of the MTV
generation in the 1980s as the ?Valley Girl ? and finding herself after losing her father then
her mother and the fracturing of her longest relationships. WELCOME I got my first journal as
a Christmas gift when I was five. It was hardbound black leather with gold embellishments on
the cover and along the paper edges. It was very fancy. The same books followed every year and
they felt very important. And yet even as a small girl every time I stared down the page to
draw and express myself I felt I came up short against my father's music handwriting
drawings. Still I persevered and just surrendered to how it felt to be swept away by the
creative urging. I used my journals like secret best friends to which I could say anything. For
a time when I still lived at home and had no privacy I'd write in code about my most private
feelings. The saying goes that ?God only gives you what you can handle.? Well God didn't grow
up in my atheist Wiccan celebrity-focused oversexed teetotalling drug-free cloistered
undiagnosed mental illness ridden non-communicative shaming workaholic feral-feeling house.
For Moon Unit Zappa processing a life so unique so punctuated by the whims of creative genius
the tastes of popular culture the calculus of celebrity and the nature of fractured love has
at times been eviscerating at others illuminating. Yes this is a book about growing up in
the shadows of Frank Zappa in the sexually free wild world of 1970s Laurel Canyon. And as we
careen into the 1980s the style and the music and the tone changes?but Moon remains the
constant trying to find herself in a very confusing ever-changing equation?that of her family
and the relationship with fame. It is Moon's deep sense of humor and humilty that keeps her
grounded and keeps this memoir pinned to the ground. Earth to Moon is a creative colorful
and wonderful lesson in growing into oneself.