The Longman Academic Writing Series helps students master the academic writing skills needed to
succeed in their academic careers. The five-level series spans writing topics from composing
sentences to writing research papers. Each level covers the complete writing process from
prewriting to revision. Level 5 teaches advanced students to write various genres of academic
essays and research papers. The text's writing process approach integrates training in grammar
vocabulary sentence structure and research techniques along with essay and research paper
organization. Features * Realistic writing models from various rhetorical genres explore
academic disciplines such as biology sociology and history. * Vocabulary sections expand
students' language awareness and improve the quality of their writing. * Sentence structure and
grammar review helps students improve writing skills. * Preparation for Writing sections
provide guidance and practice in researching evaluating and documenting sources. * A
step-by-step approach guides students seamlessly through the writing process. * Writing Tips
provide useful strategies to enhance students' writing experience. * Writing Expansions
including journals timed writing and summarizing build written fluency critical thinking
and test-taking skills.