The best-selling full-color guide to presentation design and delivery — now thoroughly updated
to reflect the latest tools and insights Reach and motivate audiences through simplicity and
storytelling: use slides to make your message unforgettable not drown it out Transform how you
think about using PowerPoint Keynote or any other presentation software Reinvigorate existing
material in fresh and interactive ways that make it resonate as never before By Garr Reynolds
host of the Internet's leading site for better presentation design and
delivery Everyone's been forced to sit through terrible presentations: boring confusing dense
full of unnecessary clutter and effects. There's a radically better way to reach and motivate
your audience — and it starts with simplicity and storytelling. In Presentation Zen 3rd
Edition best-selling selling author and popular speaker Garr Reynolds shows you how it's done
using modern versions of PowerPoint Keynote or other presentation tools. You'll learn how to
build slides that focus your audience's attention precisely where you want it and illuminate
and inspire people rather than burying them in facts and data. Garr's new full-color examples
lessons and perspectives combine proven design principles with the tenets of Zen simplicity
and help you along the path to creating and delivering cleaner better presentations.