Hear the voice and prayer|Submit yourselves|Jerusalem convertere ad dominum|Let us now laud|Be
unto me o lord a tower|Deo gratias Byrd William|Gloria tibi domine|Veni sancte spiritus reple
Byrd William|Ecce Advenit Byrd William|Viri galilaei|Vocem meam audisti Ferrabosco
Alfonso|Ante luciferum gentius Handl (Gallus) Jacobus|Honestum fecit Handl (Gallus)
Jacobus|Let my complaint|Blessed is he whose unrightousness is forgiven Tomkins Thomas|Hear
my prayer o lord Tomkins Thomas|Out of the deep|Remember me o lord|O lord I lift my heart to
thee Gibbons Orlando|In the beginning o Lord|Let god arise Locke Matthew|O lord hear my
prayer Locke Matthew|In God's word will I rejoice Purcell Henry|Lord not to us Purcell
Henry|O remember not Purcell Henry|Laboravi in gemitu meo Caldara Antonio