Explore the world's natural habitats and the plants and animals that live there. From the
depths of the ocean to soaring mountain peaks - via coral reefs deserts rainforests and even
cityscapes - discover how unexpected wildlife partnerships make up the habitats plants and
animals call home. Each habitat section starts with a fascinating illustration to explain how
it works exploring the combination of conditions plants and animals that make it up. It then
delves deeper telling stories about how the inhabitants interact and find their place in each
habitat. Survival strategies can be extreme including frogs that can survive frozen through
winter to emerge unharmed in spring. Vying for resources plants and animals can work together
in intimate partnerships engage in direct competition - fighting tooth and nail over resources
- or adapt in particular ways to find their own niche that only they can exploit. These
intricately balanced systems create an incredible and fascinating variety of life on our
planet. So what are you waiting for? Dive deep into the pages of this ecological guidebook to
discover: - A foreword by broadcaster naturalist and conservationist Chris Packham. -
Beautiful double-page-spread illustrations introduce each habitat and detailed interpretation
explains how the habitat works. - Conservation stories highlight the challenges we face in
preserving natural habitats alongside an expanding human population. - 64-page colour reference
section on national parks wildlife reserves and other protected areas. Earth's pristine
wildernesses are dwindling so the book includes national parks wildlife reserves and other
protected areas and the conservation efforts needed to preserve our precious biological