The VIRAGO BOOK OF FRIENDSHIP includes ~ Dolly Alderton Jami Attenberg Margaret Atwood Jane
Austen Elizabeth Bishop Enid Blyton Charlotte Bronte Emma Cline Colette Shirley Conran E M
Delafield George Eliot Nora Ephron Bernardine Evaristo Elena Ferrante Helen Fielding Helen
Garner Elizabeth Gaskell Stella Gibbons Shirley Hazzard Zoe Heller Sheila Heti Frances Hodgson
Burnett Jackie Kay Doris Lessing Katherine Mansfield Hilary Mantel Mary McCarthy Nancy Mitford
Lorrie Moore L M Montgomery Toni Morrison Ottessa Moshfegh Barbara Pym Marilynne Robinson
Christina Rossetti Dorothy L Sayers Carol Shields Curtis Sittenfeld Stevie Smith Zadie Smith
Muriel Spark Elizabeth Taylor Rose Tremain Sarah Waters Edith Wharton Antonia White Meg
Wolitzer Mary Wollstonecraft Virginia Woolf