Food Materials Science provides the science behind structuring processes for foods and
applications in food product design. The first in its field the book is an invaluable
reference. The creation of added value from raw food materials is a legitimate aspiration of
the modern food industry. Adding value to foods requires knowledge of what the consumer wants
and creating products that satisfy the demand. Quality convenience and safety are the major
drivers of the modern food industry. Food manufacture is about producing billions of units of
standardized products which must be cheap nutritious safe and appealing to the consumer's
taste. Food products are complex multicomponent and structured edible materials that
nevertheless must comply with the laws of physics and fundamentals of engineering sciences. In
the last 20 years the design of food products with specific functionalities has advanced
significantly by the application of scientific knowledge from disciplines such as polymer
physics colloidal and mesoscopic physics materials science and new imaging and probing
techniques borrowed from chemistry biology and medicine. Our knowledge of the relationship
between microstructure processing and macroscopic properties continues to increase as the
science of food materials advances at a fast pace. This book is intended to those interested in
viewing food technology as a way to preserve transform and create structures in foods and the
related materials science aspects of it. It attempts to present a unified vision of what today
is considered to be food materials science and some derived applications. The book may be used
as a text in a course in food materials science at the senior or graduate level or as a
supplement text in an advanced food technology course. It will also serve as a reference book
for professionals in the food industry. TOC:Fundamentals: Why Food Materials Science?- The
Composite Structure of Biological Tissue used for Food.- Food Polymers.- The Crystalline
State.- The Glassy State.- Rubber elasticity and Wheat Gluten Proteins.- State Diagrams of Food
Materials.- Nanotechnology in Food Materials Research.- Assembly of Structures in Foods.- Solid
Food Foams.- Probing Food Structures.- Structuring Operations: Structure-property relationships
in foods.- Structuring Water by Gelation.- Bubble Containing Foods.- Emulsions: Principles and
Preparation.- Processing of Food Powders.-Fat Crystal Networks.- Extrusion.- Polyphasic Food
Systems: Structured Dairy Products: Processing and Matrix Design.- Structured Cereal Products.-
Structured Meat Products.- Structured Chocolate Products.- Edible Moisture Barriers for Food
Product Stabilization.- Encapsulation of Bioactives.- Index.