A mighty fortress is our god|Abide with me|Adore te devote|All hail the power of Jesus'
name|Alleluia sing to Jesus|Amazing grace|And did those feet in ancient time|Blessed
assurance|Blest be the tie that binds|From all that dwell below the skies|Break thou the bread
of life|Come come ye saints|Come holy ghost|Come thou almighty king|Come ye thankful people
come|Crown him with many crowns|Dear Lord and father of mankind|Eternal father strong to
save|Fairest lord Jesus|Faith of our fathers|For all the saints|For the beauty of the
earth|Glorious things of thee are spoken|God moves in a mysterious way|Hear thy children gentle
Jesus|God of our fathers whose almighty hand|God that madest earth and heaven|God the
omnipotent|Guide me o thou great Jehovah|Hark hark my soul|He leadeth me o blessed thought|He
who would valiant be|Holy god we praise thy name|Holy holy holy lord god almighty|Immaculate
Mary|In Christ there is no east or west|Jesus calls us o'er the tumult|Jerusalem the
golden|Jesus shall reign where'er the sun|Joyful joyful we adore the (Freude schöner
Götterfunken)|Lead kindly light|Lean on o king eternal|Let all mortal flesh keep silence|Love
divine all loves excelling|Mine eyes have seen the glory|Now the day is over|My country 'tis of
thee|My faith looks up to thee|Nearer my god to thee|Now thank we all our god|O beautiful for
spacious skies|O for a thousand tongues to sing|O God our help in ages past|O love that will
not let me go|O master let me walk with thee|Once to every man and nation|Onward Christian
soldiers|There's a wideness in God's mercy|O perfect love|O salutaris hostia|O sanctissima|O
what their joy and their glory must be|O worship the king|Praise my soul the king of
heaven|Rejoice ye pure in heart|Rock of ages cleft for me|Shall we gather at the river|Shepherd
show me how to go|Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling|Sweet hour of prayer|Tantum ergo
sacramentum|The church's one foundation|The god of Abraham praise|There is a happy land|This is
my father's world|'Tis the gift to be simple|We gather together|When morning gilds the skies|Ye
watchers and ye holy ones