This is a powerful model of engaged twenty-first century social criticism. Writing in the
tradition of Jane Jacobs Margaret Mead and Rebecca Solnit Jessa Lingel is a formidable new
critical voice in America.--Siva Vaidhyanathan author of Antisocial Media and The Googlization
of Everything The Gentrification of the Internet deftly dismantles romanticized notions of Big
Tech helping readers understand the internet as a site of increasing isolation
commodification surveillance and displacement. This readable and accessible book will
definitely be required reading for all my courses. --Clemencia Rodríguez Professor of Media
Studies Temple University Jessa Lingel's book persuasively demonstrates that gentrification
and its consequences in terms of displacement isolation and commercialization has migrated
from the realm of the urban economy to the internet. A revealing account of the way the digital
world has transitioned from a space for DIY countercultures to a playground for the corporate
oligarchy.--Paolo Gerbaudo Director of the Centre for Digital Culture at King's College London