Ain't misbehavin'|And all that jazz|Barbara Allen|Beauty and the beast|Best song ever One
Direction|Bewitched|The blower's daughter Rice Damien|By the light of the silvery moon|Can
you feel the love tonight John Elton|Cockles and mussels|Come all you fair and tender
ladies|Consider yourself|Don't fence me in Blue Oeyster Cult|Endless love Richie Lionel +
Ross Diana|Faith Michael George|Folsom prison blues CASH JOHNNY|From both sides now
Mitchell Joni|Get it on T Rex|Ghost Henderson Ella|Greensleeves|Ho hey The Lumineers|The
hokey cokey|The holly and the ivy|Hollywood Buble Michael|Hot stuff|Hotel California
Eagles|The house of the rising sun ANIMALS|How deep is your love Bee Gees|I do like to be
beside the seaside|I wanna be like you|In the bleak midwinter|In your arms Nico + Vinz|Is
this the way to Amarillo Christie Tony|Islands in the stream Parton Dolly|It's raining
men|Joy to the world|King of the road Miller Roger|Let it go Menzel Idina|Let's dance
Bowie David|Let's do it (let's fall in love)|Let's go fly a kite|Love is in the air Young
John Paul|My Bonnie lies over the ocean|My way|No surprises Radiohead|Ooh la la
Goldfrapp|Panic Smiths|Paranoid|Postcards Blunt James|Prayer in C Wood Lilly + The
Prick|Proud Mary CCR (Creedence Clearwater Revival)|Rebel Yell Idol Billy|Riptide Joy
Vance|Rock star NICKELBACK|A rovin'|Rudolph the red nosed reindeer|Shake rattle and roll
Haley Bill|Silent night|Sing a rainbow|Skye boat song|Stranger in paradise|Sunshine of your
love CREAM|Thank you DIDO|That's not my name Ting Tings|This old
man|Tomorrow|Tragedy|Uptown funk Ronson Mark|We wish you a merry christmas|Where have all the
flowers gone Seeger Pete|The whole of the moon Waterboys|A windmill in old
Amsterdam|Wouldn't it be loverly|When the saints go marching in|Zombie CRANBERRIES