This collection of biographies of brave and brilliant Jewish female role models--selected in
collaboration with Ruth Bader Ginsburg and including an introduction written by the iconic
Supreme Court justice herself-- provides young people with a roster of inspirational role
models all of whom are Jewish women who will appeal not only to young people but to people of
all ages and all faiths. The fascinating lives detailed in this collection--more than thirty
exemplary female role models--were chosen by Ruth Bader Ginsburg or RBG as she was lovingly
known to her many admirers. Working with her friend journalist Nadine Epstein RBG selected
these trailblazers all of whom are women and Jewish who chose not to settle for the rules and
beliefs of their time. They did not accept what the world told them they should be. Like RBG
they dreamed big worked hard and forged their own paths to become who they deserved to be.
Future generations will benefit from each and every one of the courageous actions and triumphs
of the women profiled here. RBG's Brave & Brilliant Women the passion project of Justice
Ginsburg in the last year of her life will inspire readers to think about who they want to
become and to make it happen just like RBG.